Okay…so why should I get a member pass?

I mean…subscriptions are literally everywhere.  So why should you add another one?  Simple.  This one is all about you.  Helping you to figure out your toolbox to filter out those subscriptions that feed an old version of you, while keeping the things that matter most to you and move you forward.

Here’s what it includes

We get it. $15 a month adds up between 2, 3, 4, or 5 (or more) subscriptions. So we want it to be worthwhile. We’re solely focused on helping you. Cancel anytime, no questions asked. But we hope you’ll stick around and maybe look into joining one of the programs focused on full mind, body, and spirit development.


Weekly newsletters focused on how to become a better version of you.


Members-only recipes made monthly for you.  Stop the “what are we eating” nonsense.


Access to members-only events focused on behavioral change, goal setting, and fitness


Site forums and Facebook groups dedicated to whatever you want to chat about.

Ready to join?

Hit the button below to sign up. You can join monthly, quarterly, or yearly (with discounts for paying more at one time). Payments are processed via Stripe, and subscriptions can be managed from your dashboard. Problems? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll be in touch.