Its time to dig deep and Flourish .

Join me in a 12 week* total body transformation. Most of my clients tell me they want to “lose weight” but when I really ask what this means I get a better understanding that they want a more physique shape. The thought is “weight loss” but the true shape desired is found through building muscle and burning fat. A body recomposition program does just that by reshaping your body by torching fat while building muscle.  

*Total program length is 13 weeks, 1 prep week and 12 program weeks

Who am I?

NASM Certified Trainer, PharmD

Brittany May
Jobs and Interests
  • Pharmacist
  • Life Coach
  • Traveling and all things food
  • PharmD
  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer
  • NASM Certified Nutrition Coach
  • NASM Group Fitness Instructor
  • NASM Correct Exercise Specialist
  • NASM Behavior Change Specialist
  • NASM Home Gym Design Specialist
  • Certified PUSH Coach (performance/life coach)

It’s January 2018 and like so many other years, I was eager to jump into a brand new fitness program.  I had been on my fitness journey  for just 2 years and I was ready to tackle something completely different – a program designed to reshape your body (known as body recompsitioning)!

By March I was well into a completely new way of eating – timing my foods around my workouts; working out AFTER breakfast, no longer fasted; and I found myself for the first time ever lifting weights in a GYM because I needed more resistance than I had at home.  In case you’re wondering – I have adjustable weights that max out at 55 pounds.  Yep! You read that correctly – I was lifting more than 55 pounds per dumbbell.

I was feeling like a completely different human.  I had only ever dreamed of seeing my body change this way before.  I was always on of those people that thought cardio was the way to the shape I was looking for, but it turns out the answer was weight training all along.  Not only was I blown away by my physical changes, but for the first time in what felt like my entire life, I was sleeping better, had more energy, and just felt great!

I don’t know if it was the newfound confidence or just a momentary lapse in sanity, but I remember the morning I told my husband I wanted to sign up for the fitness competition that was taking place in July.  I was even more shocked when he said “I think you should do it!”

I say it so often because it’s so very true for me – that one decision completely changed my life.  Me; the quiet kid that like to fade into the background and go unnoticed, was now training in a gym with a bunch of dudes every morning and prancing around my house weekly in a bikini and high heels (that alone should make you laugh out loud if you know me ) to learn how to pose on stage as required for the competition.

The entire experience unlocked someone deep inside me that had been there all along, but I had never allowed myself to unlock that door.  I found my confidence, I found my voice, I found my strength to be me – I found my freedom.

I went on to rock that very same stage in 2019 with even more confidence than I had that first year.  By the second year I had a much better understanding of the science behind the process and I knew how to build stronger muscles and fuel my body even better than I did that first year.

Of course, my journey took a small sabbatical, just like everyone else as we found ourselves in a pandemic and closed off from traveling.  That part of my journey took me through a bit of a darker time as I ventured through all the unknowns and new obstacles that came along with the pandemic.

Now we’re on the other side of it all and I am making it my goal for 2024 to release that girl once again and allow her inner light to shine bright!

How will you thrive?

I did a very similar program in 2018 to prepare for my first competition. I began the program with 5, 7.5, 10, and 15 pound weights. By weeks 8-12 I had increased to 45, 50, 55, and sometimes 65 for leg days.  During our 12 weeks, I know you will get incredible physical results, but I don’t want to just stop there.  I want you to understand HOW to fuel your body, HOW to mentally overcome the obstacles we all face that hold us back from finishing what we start, and HOW to make this 12 week transformation your new lifestyle!

At its core, this program will consist of solid workouts on most days of the week, weekly check-ins with the group through Zoom, and access to both a Facebook group for news, tips, and updates, as well as a chat group for daily support and check-ins with the group.  If you want to go all in with me, you will also get 1:1 mindset coaching, nutrition guidance and suggestions, and an individualized macro-nutrient plan.

1:1 Programming

Part of the Flourish for life package gives you exclusive 1:1 calls with me on a weekly basis.  We’ll dive in and look at:

  • Setting your macro nutrients and how to measure them
  • How to customize my blueprint to work for you
  • Meal plan suggestions tailored for you

At the end of 12 weeks you’ll have a blueprint for success that is specific to your needs and sets you up for your new lifestyle!

Workouts for You

Expect a 3-phase program, 4 weeks for each phase, designed to burn fat and build muscle to reshape your body.

Workouts are 6 days per week, about 30-50 minutes each day with Saturday being low impact cardio.  Low-impact means no jumping!  The point of Saturday is to help torch calories, but without the stress!  Think of it as an active recovery day.

Note that to participate you will need to have the following equipment and program:

  • A range of dumbbells
  • A workout bench
  • Dig Deeper (Note: this purchase is in addition to any package price; you will receive a purchase link after the sign-up process)

Group Programming

Everyone benefits from accountability and being in a group of the people all going through the same challenge.  As part of a group, we will:

  • Participate in weekly coaching calls to discuss habits, nutrition tips, mindset development, etc., to create a lifestyle change that sticks
  • Participate in a Facebook community for support and learnings
  • Participate in a private community of women on the same journey using the Marco Polo app to share with each other daily

Are you ready to dig deep ?

Pick a package that fits your needs! We can meet you where you are with the whole maximum 1:1 coaching, or you can just get the tips and trips from our Facebook page!  Note that the only package that includes individualized 1:1 coaching is the Flourish for Life package.

Dig Deep and Bloom

The group-based approach
$ 35
/ month

My blueprint to success in a self-study format

Weekly group coaching calls

Private Facebook community access for support and learnings

Weekly recipes and a weight tracker

Progress tracker

All components of the Dig Deeper package

Flourish for Life

The whole package with maximum coaching from me!
$ 900

*Payment plan options are available

1:1 macro-nutrient coaching

Customized blueprint for success, tailored to your goals!

1:1 30-minute Zoom session during prep week to break down and discuss your specific goals

Meal plan ideas and suggestions based on your caloric range*

Weekly 1:1 Zoom calls to discuss progress and adjust your plan

All the components of Dig Deep and Bloom and Dig Deeper

Dig Deeper

The basic package in a self-study format

Dig Deeper™ workouts***

Private app access with a community of women on the same journey**

*I cannot prescribe meal plans; meal plans and caloric ranges are suggestions only.  If you need a prescribed meal plan you should see a registered dietician or your primary care provider

**Will require the Marco Polo™ app from the Google Play or Apple store be downloaded and installed on your mobile device

***Requires a seperate purchase of the Dig Deeper™ program; link to purchase will be sent after completion of the assessment form